A three-person Board of Supervisors, elected at large, one of whom serves as Chairman, governs Howe Township. The term of office is six years, one supervisor being elected every two years. Officers are elected at the annual organizational meeting in January. Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of every month at 5:00 PM at the Hope Eternal UM Church, 2 Burd Road, Newport, PA 17074. Public comment and participation is always welcome and encouraged. Although Supervisors are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Township, their positions are essentially voluntary and not the primary occupation of the incumbents. Supervisors perform both legislative and executive duties. They legislate by setting policy, passing needed ordinances and resolutions, adopting budgets, and levying taxes. They also perform executive functions such as formulating the budget, enforcing ordinances, approving expenditures, and hiring employees. Howe Township Supervisors:
Charles Burd 62 W. Shortcut Rd Newport, PA 17074 717-648-9970 | Dale Beaver – Chairman 3 Herr Court Newport, PA 17074 717-574-6573 | Steve Smith - 225 Juniata Parkway E. Newport, PA 17074 717-275-5036 |
The principal mission of the Office of the Township Secretary is to be dedicated to, understand and fulfill the needs of the Board of Supervisors, the community and the Township organization. This includes maintaining the Township’s official legislative acts, operating a state of the art legislative information center to serve the citizens, the Board, and staff to ensure an open and public government, and conducting the business of the Board in an ethical, impartial and equitable manner. From coordinating interviews to fill vacancies on the Township’s many Boards and Commissions to chairing formal bid openings, preparing proclamations for the Board to creating resolutions requiring Board action, the Township Secretary is indispensable to the successful operation of our local government. As Treasurer, the Secretary is also responsible for the proper accounting and reporting of all financial activities of the Township, and also prepares budgets and provides financial information to the board. If you need the Township’s assistance, but are unsure of who to contact, the Towhship Secretary is a good place to start.
Howe Township Secretary/Treasurer
Nancy Cangioli
Howe Township Office
22 Cherry Road
Liverpool, PA 17045
Email: howetwp@pa.net
Howe Township is audited on yearly basis by three elected auditors. These auditors are elected at municipal elections to serve a term of six years. The auditors examine the accounting records and practices of the Township, upon completion of the audit the auditors file copies of their report to the secretary, Clerk of Court, Department of Community and Economic Development and the Department of Transportation. The auditors then publish a financial statement in the newspaper The board of auditors shall audit, settle and adjust the accounts of all elected or appointed officials of the township and its boards or agencies that received or disbursed funds of or owing to the township during the immediately preceding calendar year. Howe Township Auditors
Meagan N. T. Reed – Secretary
Keith Kauffman – Chair
The Township Engineer is responsible for the design and the inspection of all Municipal Construction Projects. The work may include new facilities or the rehabilitation of existing ones. Township Engineer activities may involve the water systems, roadway networks, recreational facilities, storm drainage, sanitary sewer systems or municipally owned buildings.
Howe Township Engineer
HRG, Inc, (Michael Hess, PE - Senior Project Manager)
369 East Park Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111
If you are building a new home, and municipal water/sewer service is not available, the first permit you should obtain is the Sewage Permit. This permit is obtained from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO). The requirements for this permit are to have a site that has been tested and found to be acceptable for a on-lot sewage disposal system, have the required planning approvals from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and have a approved design for the construction of the sewage system. The Township SEO will instruct you on what will be required based upon your situation.
Howe Township Sewage Enforcement Officer
Juniata Sewage Committee
Walter “Herb” Stoner
3044 Rm#4 Middle Ridge Rd.
Honey Grove, PA 17035
Email: jscoffice@centurylink.net
The Township Zoning Ordinance is enforced by the Township Zoning Officer. If the applicant’s (a developer or builder) project specifications meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance, as the zoning officer understands them, the application is normally approved. If the zoning provisions are not met, the application is denied. A zoning officer is not vested with a wide range of discretionary power to waive requirements or to tighten the ordinance to protect some perceived public need. The PA Municipalities Planning Code, Section 614 states that “The zoning officer shall administer the zoning ordinance in accordance with its literal terms, and shall not have the power to permit any construction or any use or change of use which does not conform to the zoning ordinance.” If the applicant or a concerned property owner disagrees with the zoning officer’s determination, the remedy exists to appeal the determination to the Township’s Zoning Hearing Board. The Township Zoning Officer oversees and administers and makes determinations on all zoning permits on behalf of Howe Township.
Howe Township Zoning Officer
Keystone Central COG - Zoning Department Contacts
Phone: 570-522-1326 (option 2) Toll Free: 1-877-457-9402
Fax: 570-522-1327
rfox@ckcog.com Robin Fox, Zoning Admin
mac@ckcog.com Tom MacDonald, Zoning Officer
dhines@ckcog.com David Hines, Zoning Officer
The Zoning Hearing Board is a three-member Board whose function is to hear appeals of the decisions of the Zoning Officer. The Board has the authority to approve exemptions from certain requirements contained in the Zoning Ordinance by granting a variance. The Howe Township Zoning Hearing Board meets only as needed.
Howe Township Zoning Hearing Board
Enos Herr
Mark Hoover
The Township Solicitor is appointed annually to serve at the pleasure of the Board, must be licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of PA, and may be one person or a law firm. He directs and controls all the legal matters of the Township.
His duties include preparing or approving bonds, contracts, leases, ordinances, and assurances to which the Township may be a party. He commences and prosecutes all actions brought by the Township for or on account of any of the estates, rights, trusts, privileges, claims, or demands, as well as defends the Township or any Township officer against all actions or suits brought against the Township. When requested he provides the Board an opinion in writing upon any question of law.
Howe Township Solicitor
Stock and Leader, Attorneys At Law (Dave Jones)
221 W. Philadelphia St. Suite 600
York, PA 17401
The Tax Collector is an elected official responsible for collecting Real Estate Taxes. The Tax Collector is elected for a four-year term. He/she also collects Real Estate taxes for the School District and County and disperses the correct amount of taxes to them.
Tax Collector:
Juanita Zeigler
119 Juniata Parkway East
Newport, PA 17074
(717) 567-2232
Dale Beaver
Terry Heller, Chair
70 Red Hill Rd. Newport, PA 17074
Vacant, Vice Chair
Pam Pollock, Secretary
69 W. Shortcut Rd. Newport, PA 17074
Jamie McHenry
174 Juniata Pkwy E., Newport, PA 17074
Steve Smith (BOS Representative)
225 Juniata Parkway E.
Newport, PA 17074
Melissa Zeiders
376 Juniata Pkwy E. Newport, PA 17074
Pennsylvania Townships fall in one of two classes. First Class townships include the more urban townships located in the state’s metropolitan areas; the Second Class, is generally rural. Second Class townships have a population density of less than 300 persons per square mile, the governing body is made up of 3 elected supervisors who are elected at large for six-year terms. Howe Township falls in to the Second Class category.